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Australia has a rich tradition of printmaking and an active community of practitioners that work in the field. Featuring contemporary examples from the Whitehorse Art Collection’s extensive print holdings alongside recent works by leading and emerging Australian artists, this snapshot of current print practice looks at exciting developments and new approaches that embrace printmaking in the expanded field.
Australian Printmaking Now also sees artists employ established forms of printmaking to realise a range of themes and ideas that reflect contemporary life, and features practitioners of diverse cultural heritage including First Nations artists based at Yirrkala, NT.
Artists include: Kylie Banyard, Abbi Gilbert, Rona Green, Lana De Jager, Melinda Harper, Katherine Hattam, Bridget Hillebrand, Martin King, Niloufar Lovegrove, Dhambit Ruypu Munuŋgurr, Marrnyula Munuŋgurr, Bronwyn Rees, Sarah Robinson & Monika Lukowska, Sophia Szilagyi, Wayne Viney and Deborah Williams.