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In this exhibition locally based Chinese artist Baoxian Du presents recent photographic work from three major series. In “I” the artist poses for a powerful suite of self-portraits. Dressed in an array of outfits often holding cleaning items, or grocery goods and a bottle of wine, these works play on notions of female domestic identity and evoke the seemingly endless repetition of days that the Covid lockdowns engendered. “We” is the title for Du’s portrait series of newly arrived residents that celebrate Lunar New Year who live, work or study in Whitehorse, featuring students from the LOUISE Multicultural Community Centre based in the Box Hill Town Hall. Each community member that features in the exhibition will contribute a reflection on what Lunar New Year means to them. The exhibition also includes photographs of Box Hill, documenting the lived experience of moving through this urban metropolis.
来自当地的华人摄影家 杜宝仙 带来的 ”我们” 主题摄影展由三个专题组成:
“我”:充满视觉震撼的自我肖像系列 ”我”, 摄影师穿着充满年代感的服饰,手握生活日用品,百货、甚至红酒,这些摄影作品巧妙的运用了这些元素探索、探讨当代社会女性的家庭形象,同时又诙谐且充满乐观的调侃了在新冠病毒爆发时期居家生活的重复性。
”我们”:”我们”这个主题着眼点落在了生活在白马市区的移民生活。本专题是白马画廊与坐落于博士山市政厅Louise 多元文化中心的合作项目。每一位在展览中出现的社区成员都展现了白马市移民生活的一面。